Saga Bala
With a passion in fitness and her experience in delivering exceptional customer service, Saga Bala decided to combine the 2 things she excels at to become the Gym Administrator of Trueathlete. Her current active lifestyle honed her skills in managing gym operations, fostering a welcoming environment, and ensuring smooth day-to-day functioning. Saga’s perspective of fitness transformed from merely weight loss to becoming the healthiest version of herself. Her key strengths lie in building strong relationships within the Trueathlete community and inspire members to feel motivated and empowered to achieve their better selves. Her goal is to enhance the overall gym experience for the Trueathlete community to create an enjoyable fitness journey for all members. Trueathlete has changed her life to believe it’s not too late to make the change now, regardless of age or experience.
“Once you hit rock bottom, there is no way to go but up”